Media Contact:
Elizabeth Payne
The National Children’s Cancer Society

An Unexpected Situation Made 1000 Times Worse

An Unexpected Situation Made 1000 Times Worse

NCCS families struggle with the added burden of the pandemic

We know the pandemic has created even more stress four our families.  In a recent survey by the NCCS, we found that:

  • 85% of our families report they have lost their jobs or have had a reduction in hours (75% of our families report earning less than $50,000 a year)
  • 25% of families have experienced a delay in treatment or follow-up care which was decided by the treating facility
  • 20% of families have asked for treatment or follow-up care to be delayed due to COVID-19 related concerns
  • Nearly 56% report being concerned about how they will afford the expenses associated with their child’s treatment
  • 91% report feelings of anxiety due to COVID-19 and the majority reported experiencing excessive worry
  •  83% report depressive feelings due to COVID-19 with the majority experiencing sleep disturbance and lack of energy

As one parent commented in the survey, “To put it simply, it has made an already unexpected and traumatizing situation 1,000 times worse.”

You can help with a gift to the NCCS today.

About The National Children’s Cancer Society:

Since 1987, the NCCS has distinguished itself by meeting the immediate and long-term needs of more than 50,000 children with cancer and their families. While other groups may focus on a single aspect of support, we take a comprehensive approach to address each family’s unique challenges. With over $72 million in direct financial assistance provided across the United States, the NCCS is committed to making a lasting impact where it matters most.

Globally, the NCCS has supported more than 213,000 children with cancer in 53 countries, supporting 113 medical facilities to deliver lifesaving pharmaceuticals and medical supplies valued at over $476 million. This international reach reflects our unwavering commitment to ensuring every child receives the care they deserve, regardless of where they live.