Sophia Thompson

My diagnosis does not define who I am, but it has changed my outlook on life and turned me into the person I am today.

Tyler Roney

Cancer, paradoxically, strengthened a young man in love with life who aspires to conquer challenges and solve problems. I’ve applied this grit in many ways over the past decade and am ready to change the world.

Ruby Kaufman

My journey as a survivor has exposed me to the importance of understanding not only the broken but the rebuilt; my sickness broke me but left me with pieces perfect to build the strongest tower I could.

Allie Sadoff

I realize that I matured through my treatment and as I moved through survivorship. My eyes were opened to the hardships of others, and I became more empathetic for those going through what I now have behind me.

Sammy Husen

“Hi!” I got off the bus and whizzed past my sister, peeling with laughter, “Bye!” I rushed through the door throwing my backpack on the ground and jumped into my father’s arms. Everything seemed perfect, but as my father and I looked in...