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Scholar Quote: The responsibility of survivorship is a sense of selflessness and a sense of purpose.

Survivorship means many different things to me. Perhaps above all else, though, survivorship means responsibility. I firmly believe that I have a responsibility to others as a result of my experience with leukemia. This sense of responsibility stems from the outpouring of love that was bestowed upon me following my diagnosis. Many people invested not only their money but also their time into my success as a cancer patient and aided in my ability to maintain a positive outlook throughout my experience. The list is long, and I could never possibly remember everyone who belongs on it. It includes my parents, my doctors, my friends, and almost the entire community of Lumberton, Texas.

I believe that I owe these people a great debt, but that I am in no way capable of repaying any of them. Because I am unable to repay them, I believe that I must pay it forward and make their sacrifices worthwhile. I am certain that those who sacrificed something to save my life simply deserve the best version of me each and every day. This has allowed me to overcome obstacles in my life that are much larger and much tougher than you are, as you are fighting for something much greater than yourself. The responsibility of survivorship is a sense of selflessness and a sense of purpose.

I have realized over time that I am not a better person in spite of my cancer, but that I am a better person because of my cancer. It has given me motivation to help others and a responsibility to change the world in an attempt to honor the sacrifices that others once made for me.