Meet Our Scholars

Meet Emma

Years Awarded:


Engelhardt Family Scholar


Scholar Quote: I survived for a purpose...I choose to stay focused on aligning my gifts of kindness, compassion, and communication with my passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others.

In October 2013, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. That was my diagnosis but that is not my story! No, my story is one of hope, grace, laughter, triumphs, struggles, perseverance, and resilience. I am a warrior who, at the age of seven, faced my unseen enemy with a strength far beyond my years or experience.

Cancer is a formidable foe that robs its victim of strength, hair, time, and easy-going days, but cancer does so much more than that. What cancer provided me with was an opportunity to discover exactly who I am, what I’m made of, and what matters. Looking back from the vantage point of seven years after chemo, I realize my diagnosis was simply the starting point for a beautifully crafted plan that enabled me to achieve a greater purpose for my life. Each new day during my journey led me to some of my lowest lows and highest highs and the chance to not only survive but to thrive.

Because of cancer, I learned resilience. There is a toughness and tenacity to me that I would not have realized without the adversity I faced during cancer treatment. This resilience allows me to seek opportunities for growth such as achieving the position of DECA President and United Student Body Secretary. These positions push me to think bigger than myself as I represent my high school in a capacity that moves us forward.

Resilience drives me to define my purpose-whether that is as co-captain on the Varsity volleyball team or participating in a vital way with Younglife, a Christian organization.

Because of the depth and breadth of my cancer journey, I developed unstoppable perseverance to not just face a challenge, but to overcome it. Waking each day during my cancer treatment, I often had to push through debilitating pain, rise above negative thinking, and engage in determined and persistent efforts to engage in day-to-day activities. The value of perseverance is now a core characteristic of who I am as I pursue the highest achievements academically, relationally, and professionally. I am pursuing higher education at reputable institutions that will propel me forward in my endeavors. I persevere to maintain a 4.3 GPA in advanced classes while supervising a student-based enterprise in my senior year.

Cancer provided me with perspective. I have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship because of my cancer. This realization further confirms that my cancer diagnosis is part of my incredible journey-a journey that is far from over. In the months and years ahead, I have the chance to be a light to others. Adversity is not something you simply GO through but, rather, it is something you can GROW through. Adversity isn’t the destination; it can be the very thing that allows us to adjust our course, realign our thinking, realize our own strength in order to press forward. I want my life, my adversity, and my journey, to be a beacon of hope for others. While cancer treatment created a financial burden for my family with exorbitant, albeit necessary, medical expenses, I am seeking this scholarship to help offset the cost of college and a way I can contribute and thank my parents who sacrificed so much for me.

I survived for a purpose. My life has a calling upon it that pushes me forward. I choose to pursue a degree in Marketing & Business, with a healthcare focus, so that I may work diligently to promote hospitals and clinics that are doing incredible things. I want to give voice to the multitude of children who will be diagnosed with cancer in the years ahead. I am excited to dive into Marketing classes to learn more about the competitive arena and ever-changing ways to reach the public. I choose to stay focused on aligning my gifts of kindness, compassion, and communication with my passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others.