Meet our young warriors

Meet Hattie – Leukemia Warrior

meet hattie

“We are so grateful for the assistance provided by the NCCS. It has helped us with gas, groceries, and utilities. My husband and I commute daily to and from the hospital, and the cost adds up quickly!”

Hattie’s Journey

Hattie was a bright, healthy 7-month-old who brought joy to her parents, Donald and Katie, and her twin brother, Hendrix. The family’s happiness grew as Katie was also expecting their third child, a boy! Life felt full and promising until an ordinary day changed everything.

Hattie and Hendrix attended daycare during the day, learning and playing with other children. On a seemingly ordinary day, Hattie developed a fever and suddenly lost interest in drinking milk, raising deep concern between her parents. Expecting something common like croup, which had been circulating at daycare, Donald and Katie took her to the emergency room. They were utterly shocked when they learned that Hattie was suffering from a much more devastating illness—acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

“We were told she would need five rounds of intense inpatient chemotherapy and possibly a bone marrow transplant,” Katie recalled. The news shattered their world.

Month-long inpatient stays are challenging for anyone, but especially for a baby. Katie and Donald did everything they could to keep Hattie’s spirits up—reading to her, playing music, and watching her enjoy her beloved Linkimals toys. But nothing lit up her world like time spent with her twin brother, Hendrix. They made sure the two were together as often as possible, a source of joy in the midst of uncertainty.

Hattie has shown incredible strength throughout her treatment. Her parents proudly shared how she continues exploring her surroundings and growing stronger daily. “She smiles and has mostly good days despite the intense chemotherapy she receives,” said Katie. “She has two more rounds of inpatient chemo ahead and will then be monitored very closely and frequently.” Each of Hattie’s treatments lasts about a month.

This journey has been unimaginably hard, but Hattie’s strength and the love that surrounds her keep her family going. They dream of the day she can leave the hospital behind, not as a patient but as a playful, happy little girl—and a big sister.

How We Helped

Donald and Katie balanced work with daily hospital visits, ensuring Hattie was never alone. Thanks to The National Children’s Cancer Society’s Transportation Assistance Fund, they received support for the many trips to and from the hospital. The Emergency Assistance Fund has also eased the burden, covering essential household expenses during this difficult time.

“We are so grateful for the assistance provided by NCCS. It has helped us with gas, groceries, and utilities. My husband and I commute daily to and from the hospital, and the cost adds up quickly!”

The National Children’s Cancer Society stands by families like Hattie’s, offering financial support so they can focus on what truly matters—getting Hattie well again. We will continue to be there on this journey. Because no family should go through childhood cancer alone.™