Meet Evan – Neuroblastoma Warrior

"Thank you so much NCCS for all of the support you have given to us during the most difficult time of our lives." - Evan's mom
After having an x-ray to check for scoliosis, Evan’s doctor ordered an MRI. The scan showed there were abnormalities on his pelvis, spine and right adrenal gland. Evan’s doctor told his parents that he was almost certain their 14-month old baby boy had cancer. “He didn’t know how bad it was at the time, but he promised to do everything he could to save our son’s life,” Evan’s mom, Holly said. After numerous hospital stays, surgeries, biopsies and vigorous testing, Evan was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma. Evan’s treatment plan included eight cycles of in-patient chemotherapy and a minimum of weekly lab appointments. Holly had to quit her job to take care of her son and that’s when their hospital social worker referred them to the NCCS. Evan’s family needed emergency assistance to cover unexpected costs and support from our transportation fund to help with travel expenses.
“These children are such warriors. Thank you so much NCCS and our case manager for all of the support you have given to us during the most difficult time of our lives. It truly means the world to us.”