Meet Liz – Ewing's Sarcoma Warrior

"Liz has been so strong through all of this," shared Amber, Liz's mom.
The month before her 14th birthday, Liz was in so much pain. The left side of her jaw swelled to the size of a softball but even after numerous ER and doctor visits, doctors said they didn’t see anything wrong. Finally after three surgeries, multiple hospital stays and IV antibiotics, Liz and her mom, Amber, were told she had a disorder that causes swelling for no reason. Amber, frustrated and tired of watching her daughter in pain, took her to get a second opinion.
Three weeks later Liz was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in her left jaw. Liz did not cry or get upset – her only response was “OK, so how do we get rid of it?”
Liz’s treatment consisted of 14 cycles of chemo, major surgery to remove a large portion of her left jaw bone and replace it with part of her left leg and a metal plate. Following surgery, she would do 22 more cycles of chemo. The immense number of appointments and hospital stays left Liz’s family struggling financially. “Without the help from the NCCS we would not be able to travel to all of Liz’s doctor appointments, let alone have money for food,” said Amber.
“Liz has been so strong through all of this,” shared Amber. “I cannot put into words how proud of the woman she has become during this journey…”