Meet Sam – Leukemia Warrior

“I want to thank the NCCS for your support during this time of trials in our life . . . at least we know we are not fighting alone.”
Sam is a sweet boy from Alabama who was diagnosed with leukemia at the beginning of 2016, but his difficulties did not begin there. Sam was born with Down syndrome and two holes in his heart. Unfortunately, six months before his thirteenth birthday, he suffered from a month-long sinus infection, nose bleeds and fevers. The doctors ran a series of tests and when the results came back, Sam’s doctors were certain he had leukemia. The treatment has been difficult for him because of the many complications Sam experienced including frequent infections, pneumonia, extreme nausea and low blood counts.
The family’s finances dwindled from traveling to the hospital which was almost two hours away from their home. The hospital social worker referred them to the NCCS and we provided help with mileage costs and other hospital-related expenses “I want to thank the NCCS for your support during this time of trials in our life,” said Sam’s mom, Samantha. “It has been a great help to us…. Thank y’all for opening your hearts to families like ours that have to battle this cancer beast. At least we know we are not fighting alone.”