Meet Ainsley – Leukemia Warrior

"We are so grateful to the NCCS," said Angela, Ainsley's mom.
Ainsley was a typical, active toddler who loved to sing, paint, and play with friends. That suddenly changed when she was diagnosed with leukemia at four years old. After this cute little girl started limping, complaining of leg pain and had unexplained bruising, her parents took her to the doctor. The initial blood work was inconclusive but after getting much sicker on a family vacation, her parents received the dreaded news that their daughter was very ill.
After enduring intensive treatment including a medically-induced coma and two years of maintenance chemotherapy, Ainsley recently began school and completed her treatment. The NCCS helped Ainsley’s family with mileage expenses so they could get her to treatment and doctor’s appointments that were 60 miles away from home.
“We are so grateful to the NCCS,” said Angela, Ainsley’s mom . “They have helped us financially, spiritually and emotionally…” Ainsley has had to relearn “everything” according to Angela, but she is “doing it like a trooper!”