Meet Myra – Leukemia Warrior
"The NCCS has helped us a lot by taking away some of the worry during this hard time," - Myra's mom.
Myra had a very different childhood experience than many kids. She was born with Down syndrome and underwent heart surgery at just eight months old. Despite those early challenges, Myra’s mother, Maria, describes her five year old daughter as the “happiest little girl you will ever meet.” This all changed the day she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A preschool physical led doctors to perform more tests after her white blood cell count was abnormally high. “Our whole family was devastated,” said Maria. Myra began treatment immediately – which required weekly visits to a hospital three hours from their home.
The NCCS was there to help with mileage expenses so Myra can get the treatment she needs to beat her disease. “The NCCS has helped us a lot by taking away some of the worry of not having enough money to help get us through this hard time,” Maria said.