Meet Isaac – Rhabdomyosarcoma Warrior

“We continue praying for Isaac as he goes through this journey. Thank you, NCCS, for the continued support!” - Isaac's dad
Isaac was a happy, healthy baby until a few months after his first birthday when his mother found blood in his diaper. Frantic, she took him to the doctor, who concluded it was most likely due to a urinary tract infection. Their doctor recommended that Isaac’s family take him to another hospital for more vigorous testing to be certain. Finally, after three months of undergoing various tests, it was an MRI that revealed the unexpected – there was a large, solid tumor on Isaac’s bladder. A biopsy was performed shortly after, revealing the tumor was indeed cancerous, and he was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. “The feeling of helplessness and blaming yourself, that’s exactly what happened,” said Isaac’s father, Grell.
Isaac’s health declined quickly and doctors operated immediately. They were able to remove 80% of the tumor. He was then thrust into chemotherapy and radiation to diminish what remained. Thankfully, his little body tolerated treatment well and the only side effect he struggled with was occasional vomiting.
Isaac’s parents struggled. Caring for their family, getting Isaac to the hospital up to five times every week for treatment and working full time left them completely overwhelmed. Grell confided in the hospital social worker who referred him to the NCCS for help. Their NCCS case manager provided the emotional support they needed and travel assistance to ensure Isaac got to every appointment.
Through the entire ordeal, Grell says he is thankful that his son has remained his loving, active, and playful self. “Isaac’s been nothing but a champion. His amazing spirit is what’s pushing us through this tough time,” he shared. “We continue praying for Isaac as he goes through this journey. Thank you, NCCS, for the continued support!”