Meet Jameson – Leukemia Warrior

“Having the funding from NCCS has been a tremendous help for our family with bills, gas and food while we travel back and forth,” said Jameson’s mom. “We are so incredibly grateful.”
Four year-old Jameson was not feeling well when his parents decided to call the pediatrician. After a describing his symptoms, the doctor immediately sent them to the emergency room. They did not realize that would be the last time they would be in the same room with their son for a long while. Doctors in the ER transferred Jameson directly to the hospital when, just a few hours later, he had surgery to place a port and started chemotherapy.
Due to COVID, only one parent could be in the hospital at a time so Jameson’s dad spent two days in their car in the parking lot until the hospital was able to get him a hotel room. His parents switched every visit thereafter. Jameson’s mom left her job to be with their son. They depended on extended family to help take care of their other son while continuing to manage their household.
Jameson spent 34 days in the hospital once he was diagnosed followed by another four-week stay due to an infection. He is now home doing clinical chemotherapy every week at a treatment center 150 miles round trip away from their home. The expenses added up quickly and they needed help. Their hospital social worker referred them to NCCS where they received assistance from the organization’s Travel and Emergency Assistance Funds.
“Having the funding from NCCS has been a tremendous help for our family with bills, gas and food while we travel back and forth,” said Jameson’s mom. “We are so incredibly grateful.”
Jameson’s bravery and strength inspire his family members, and they continue to fight fearlessly as a family for their little warrior.